
Also on

Daily Maverick closes down for 24 hours to protest against big tech's dominance


The South African news organisation published zero news stories on its heaviest traffic day to show what the world without journalism would look like

Five tips to manage your screen time as a journalist


Improve your work-life balance by building better relationships with your dopamine devices

Podcast articleReporting on Big Tech, with Niamh McIntyre of The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

A year-long investigation shows the increasingly narrow gap between tech platforms, surveillance and authoritarian regimes, making it a crucial area for journalists to monitor

How a Greenlandic publisher uses its own AI translator to boost subscriptions

In this special series that focuses on journalism rather than algorithms, Sermitsiaq's tool translates news content into a minority language ignored by most platforms - and subscribers can also use it for themselves

What AI can do for your newsroom: tips from Ring Publishing's latest handbook

Auto-generated content unlocks a new world of potential, but do not forget that the most valuable asset for any media is the trust of its readers

What mainstream media can learn from niche news sites

Appealing to small and specific audience groups can have a big impact - if you know what you are doing

Jobs board


International news agency seeks a dynamic, experienced editor to join its English-language news desk at its Asia-Pacific headquarters in Hong Kong

PR of the week

We need to talk about franchising. It is a game changer

Richard Pakey's story about his journey into franchising and the success he has found within the industry serves as an inspiring testament to the potential of franchising as a business model

Freelancers for hire


Five key takeaways from the UK select committee on the future of news

News executives say that the industry is facing pressure from all directions: generative AI, the business model and relationships with big tech companies. But not everyone agrees on solutions

Covering elections: how to not let politicians steal the narrative

The Citizen's Agenda model is being used in the US to prioritise the needs of local voters above candidates hunting for positive publicity

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John Thompson